[some apostle figurine i took at a garage sale.]
it is time to set aside any bitterness, hate, selfishness, greed, and quarrels in the church and it is time to focus on the reason we go to church the reason that we are saved the reason we will live eternally in Heaven and that is the Almighty Everlasting God who was, and is, and is to come!
if we dare think that people who go to church are perfect and nothing bad ever happens in the church, then we should be ashamed of ourselves because those who actually think that the church is perfect is blinded to see that we have made the church all about us. its all about what sunday school class we are in, its about caring what other people think if we really worship the Holy God, its about pretending we are okay when on the inside we are broken and needed Christ to fill the void but too stubborn to open up.
enough is enough.
its time for the people of the church who have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to start talking the talk and walking the walk. its time to get real.
as you read over the lyrics meditate on them...i am not going to tell you what i think you should get out of it, i just pray that God will speak to you through these lyrics.
One Faith by Robbie Seay Band
He is the good shepherd,
Laid down his life for his sheep;
So out of many nations
He's gathered one fold in one faith;
And he has built his church
On the rock foundation of faith,
On apostles and prophets
Who shepherd his people in his place.
There is one faith,
One hope,
And one baptism,
One God and Father of all;
There is one church,
One body,
One life in the spirit
Now given so freely to all.
He came to Simon Peter
And to all of the Twelve,
The keys of the kingdom
So darkness would never prevail.
But some of the shepherds,
Have pastured themselves on their sheep
So He has come out against them;
And scattered His people of faith.
But there still is
one faith,
One hope,
And one baptism,
One God and Father of all;
There is one church,
One body,
One life in the spirit
Now given so freely to all.
In good pastures
He will shepherd his people,
On the mountain tops
He is reshaped;
He will lead the
Forever afflicted
To the prisoners
He brings relief
There is one faith,
One hope,
And one baptism,
One God and Father of all;
There is one church,
One body,
One life in the spirit
Now given so freely to all.
But He'll not forsake His people,
He'll claim His sheep for His own.
He'll send out His word to the nations,
Regather His people back home
For He is the good shepherd,
Laid down His life for His sheep;
So out of many nations
He's gathered one fold in one faith,
There is one faith,
One hope,
And one baptism,
One God and Father of all;
There is one church,
One body,
One life in the spirit
Now given so freely,
Given so freely,
To all.